Hand in Hand for Birth Association Press Release: The Cruelty Against a 9-months Pregnant Woman!

Do?um ?çin Elele Derne?i bas?n bültenidir: "9 ayl?k hamile bir kad?n ve 10 ayl?k bebe?ine ya?at?lan vah?etin ac?s?n? derinden payla??yoruz. Bir kad?n?n, emniyet amac?yla s???nd??? ülkede u?rad??? bu vah?i sald?r? kabul edilemez bir durumdur.

From our press release: We share the pain of the cruelty against a 9-months pregnant woman and her 10-months old baby. It is unacceptable to witness such violence taking place against a woman that has sought asylum in another country for safety reasons. Such violent acts should be condemned and persecuted regardless of race, gender and religion.

We want to draw attention to the fact that 3 sacred lives were lost. The baby that could have been born and grown up to be an individual was also a target of this violence. We demand justice for these lives, and we want to let everyone know that we will be following these incidents with all our hearts. We believe that the sanctions against such actions create national and international responsibility.

We see that there are news about violence against women and children everyday, and we are worried that the violation of the right to live is becoming an ordinary matter. We believe that there need to be measures taken against these in order to render these violations unacceptable.

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