Hand in Hand for Birth Association 4D Competition

Sevgili Ebelik Ö?rencileri, Biz Do?um ?çin El Ele Derne?i olarak; Dünya'da do?umlara ?ahit olan herkese, ayr?m gözetmeksizin sayg? gösterilmesini sa?lamak ve bu sayg?n?n takipçisi olma felsefesini benimseyerek; Do?ana, Do?urana, Do?ana ve Do?um An?'na sayg? diyerek yola ç?kt?k ve derne?imizi kurduk. Do?um dedi?imiz de do?um ebesiz-sizsiz olmaz diyoruz ve buradan hareketle de s?ra sizde diyoruz!

Dear midwifery students:

As the Hand in Hand for Birth Association; we have started this journey through adopting the philosophy of ensuring respect for all those who witness birth without discrimination; and through adopting this philosophy, we have set out our motto that prioritizes respect for the newborn, the procreator, birth and the birth team (4D). As birth cannot be thought of without you, we say it is your turn!

We ask you to post your thoughts, feelings, and opinions about our 4D principle publicly with the hashtags #dogumicinelele, #4ddernegi, #doganadoguranadogumadogumekibinesaygı on Facebook and/or Instagram until the 15th of June.


On the 6th of July, our association will evaluate the attendees and the person that is believed to be representing our 4D principle the best will receive a small prize of:

? Attending a workshop of İstanbul Birth Academy free of charge,

? A pelvis model that is crucial for understanding the physiology of birth.

You can visit our page to get to know our work: https://www.dogumicinelele.com/

You can submit your questions and inquires to: bilgi@dogumicinelele.com

We are waiting for your posts!

Our works



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