1st International Birth Teams Birth Psychology Congress

Davet Do?uma gönül veren de?erli do?um çal??anlar? ve aileler; Do?um ?çin Elele Derne?i olarak, 1. Uluslararas? Do?um Psikolojisi ve Do?um Ekipleri Kongremizin ilkini


Dear birth workers and families, as Hand in Hand for Birth Association, we are organizing the 1st International Birth Teams Birth Psychology Congress on 28-29-30 June, 2019 in İstanbul.  

We are excited to hold a congress with the theme “Respect for Nature, Birth and Birth Workers” and bring birth workers and families together to share their experiences. We have started this journey so that birth can be a celebration, rather than a traumatic experience. We wanted to raise the awareness of families with evidence-based information and ensure humane working conditions for the birth workers. Each baby will be a part of the next generation. If we can provide a conscious, safe and respectful birth environment, we can already start to build our future.

We aim to provide new conferences and trainings with research-based information to the birth workers and families. The former and new presidents of APPPAH and ISPPM, famous psychologists, doctors, midwives, doulas, families, parents will be at our congress. We invite nurses, midwives, obstetricians, psychologists, physiotherapists, birth supporters, families and anyone interested in attending our congress. Let’s say Hand in Hand for Birth out loud!

Best Regards,

MA. in psych. Neşe Karabekir and MD. Hakan Çoker



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