KASAV & Hand in Hand for Birth Association Together

De?erli hocalar?m?z ile Ankara'da Sa?l?k Bakanl???'nda do?umlar? konu?tuk. Ülke çap?nda daha sayg?l? ve sevgi dolu do?umlar için ...

The Opening, Applicability, and Transformation of Mother & Baby Friendly Practices 

???????As part of the First Midwifery & Nursery Days, The Opening, Applicability, and Transformation of Mother & Baby Friendly Practices has taken place at Bahçelievler Public Hospital on the 10th of May, 2017; and The President of our Hand in Hand for Birth Association Psychologist (MA) Ne?e Karabekir has joined the panel as a panelist.

Hand in Hand for Birth Association 4D Competition

Sevgili Ebelik Ö?rencileri, Biz Do?um ?çin El Ele Derne?i olarak; Dünya'da do?umlara ?ahit olan herkese, ayr?m gözetmeksizin sayg? gösterilmesini sa?lamak ve bu sayg?n?n takipçisi olma felsefesini benimseyerek; Do?ana, Do?urana, Do?ana ve Do?um An?'na sayg? diyerek yola ç?kt?k ve derne?imizi kurduk. Do?um dedi?imiz de do?um ebesiz-sizsiz olmaz diyoruz ve buradan hareketle de s?ra sizde diyoruz!

Relaxation and Breathing Techniques during Childbirth with the Cooperation of the Turkish Redcross and 4D

???????The first Wednesday of each month between June and November, we will give trainings about relaxation and breathing techniques during childbirth to Syrian and Turkish baby expectants.

Hand in Hand for Birth Association Press Release: The Cruelty Against a 9-months Pregnant Woman!

Do?um ?çin Elele Derne?i bas?n bültenidir: "9 ayl?k hamile bir kad?n ve 10 ayl?k bebe?ine ya?at?lan vah?etin ac?s?n? derinden payla??yoruz. Bir kad?n?n, emniyet amac?yla s???nd??? ülkede u?rad??? bu vah?i sald?r? kabul edilemez bir durumdur.

Hand in Hand for Birth Association General Assembly Announcement Dated 19.01.2018

Hand in Hand for Birth Association General Assembly Announcement Dated 19.01.2018 ???????The second general assembly meeting of our association will take place on 19.01.2018, at 15:00 at the address of Me?rutiyet Mah. Valikona?? Cad. Hayat Apt. No:149 K:-2 D:3 ?i?li-?stanbul. If there is a lack of majority, the meeting will take place on 26.01.2018 at the same place and time.

Kayseri Provincial Directorate of Health & Respect in Childbirth

???????With the support of Kayseri Provincial Directorate of Health, we will discuss the principle of 4D (respect for the newborn, the procreator, birth and the birth team) in detail with birth teams.

Neşe KARABEKİR Live on Kayseri 38 KENT TV

Psychologist Neşe Karabekir (MA) will be live on the program "Every Morning with Tuğba" between 11:00-12:00.

The Seminar of 4D (respect for the newborn, the procreator, birth and the birth team) has taken place 

On 20.02.2018, Kayseri Provincial Health Directorate Department of Project Management and Health Consultancy has organized a seminar titled “Respect for the Newborn, the Procreator, Birth and the Birth Team” for health workers that are employed by Kayseri Provincial Health Directorate at the Geriatrics Main Conference Room.

Hand in Hand for Birth Association has enabled the first Grief Doula Training in Turkey 

Regardless of the health of the baby, each birth deserves respect and support, and a human rights issue.

Birth with No Regret Conference at Düzce University

Düzce University Faculty of Health Sciences has hosted the President of our association, Neşe Karabekir, as part of the faculty’s conference series. Ms. Karabekir delivered a presentation titled "Birth with No Regrets Team and Model."

Perception of Childbirth Symposium

The President of Hand in Hand for Birth Association Psychologist (MA) Ne?e Karabekir, MD. Semra Özer and MD ?ule Bilgiç Selman will join the Perception of Childbirth Symposium on 05.05.2018 in Ankara as panelist and speaker

We Have Given an Appreciation Plate to Screenwriter Deniz Akçay and 03 Media Productions

As the Hand in Hand for Birth Association, we place significant importance on positive media representations of childbirth. Deniz Akçay, the scriptwriter of "İstanbullu Gelin," has provided valuable support to us by incorporating childbirth preparation trainings and highlighting the importance of midwife support in the TV series.

Birth Psychlology Conference at ?stanbul Sabahattin Zaim University

On 17.12.2018, we have given presentations about Birth Psychology to ?stanbul Sabahattin Zaim University psychology, psychological counselling, midwifery, nursery, child development, and sociology students and shared information about how childbirth can affect our whole lives.

1st International Birth Teams Birth Psychology Congress

Davet Do?uma gönül veren de?erli do?um çal??anlar? ve aileler; Do?um ?çin Elele Derne?i olarak, 1. Uluslararas? Do?um Psikolojisi ve Do?um Ekipleri Kongremizin ilkini

Our works



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